CITA RSS Aggregator Icon

CITA RSS Aggregator

It can even read secure RSS sites that require a user id and password.

CITA RSS AggregatorOverview

The Aggregator is written using the Microsoft .NET Framework which eliminates the risk that it can interfere with other programs on your system. You can even install and run it safely if:


The Aggregator monitors RSS and Atom channels you are interested in, and alerts you to changes. Screen Shot

Here's a list of the main features:

* The Aggregator contains no spyware or adware. There are no hidden activities. Nor is there a professional version. You get the full version for free and without any hindrance or restriction.
* The Aggregator comes with context-sensitive help and lets you know if there is a new version available.

# Support for all the major RSS and Atom standards and versions (and flexibility to correctly interpret some feeds that do not adhere to the standards). Flexible support for downloading Podcasts and other types of enclosure - including BitTorrent files.
# Range of alert methods:

* Alert boxes appear on top of other windows and do not take the focus (you can continue typing an Email, for example, without disruption)
* Each alert shows you a Brief description of all new and changed items in a given channel
* Alert box size automatically adjusts to the length and number of new and changed items
* You can specify alert box colours, text size, opacity and screen position
* You specify what, if any, sound is played when an alert is displayed
* You get a simple facility to identify items that are specially important. These are shown as newsflashes which have separately defined colours, text sizes and opacity
* Special purpose alerts - with separately defined colours, text sizes and opacity - to let you know about new enclosures (Podcasts)
* An option to allow you to 'snooze' the Aggregator for a specified time period; you do not get any alerts while the Aggregator is snoozing
* You can suppress on-screen alerts for any or all channels.


Fixed some bugs.

CITA RSS AggregatorInformation

File Size
Operating Systems
Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
System Requirements
No additional system requirements.
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